Monday, November 18, 2019

Politics & Parliament in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Politics & Parliament in Britain - Essay Example The concept of parliamentary supremacy, defines parliament as the legislative body with absolute sovereignty. This serves to indicate that it is the British parliament that is superior over the other arms of government, considering that the United Kingdom parliament is able to control both the executive and the judiciary, through enacting and passing laws that would then require the other arms of the government to adhere to . Simply put, parliament is the only sovereign body in the United Kingdom, which is not bound by any law. This is because; the legislative body can change or repeal the existing laws, so that it is no longer bound by the laws. This way, it becomes a sovereign body that makes laws, but which is not bound by any written law . How has the meaning of these words, which help define responsible government, changed in Britain during the past 25 years?The statement â€Å"Parliament is the Supreme law of the land† has changed slightly during the last 25 years, most especially due to three significant developments, namely devolution, constitutional reforms and ratification of the European Union membership. In this respect, the United Kingdom has tried to establish other body entities that have powers that control the Parliament in certain way. DevolutionDevolution in Britain was established in 1997, with the establishment of three other legislative bodies, where the Scottish parliament was established, in addition to the establishment of local assemblies in Ireland and Wales .

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