Thursday, November 21, 2019

Interview of A Family Friend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Interview of A Family Friend - Essay Example The interviewee discussed issues concerning his hobby is football. He also discussed issues related to his dating experience during his college days. Moreover, the informant clearly stated his position regarding gender roles in the contemporary society today. For example, the informant viewed equality in terms gender roles in the society. According to McCarter, both men and women should be accorded equal opportunities in promoting societal growth. Currently, the interviewee is married with two children and considered a senior citizen. He also works in an information technology firm and believes in Christianity. It is believed that family usually comes first in most households today. Families play important roles in the nurturing and growth of family members. Usually consisted of the father, mother and siblings, the father is normally perceived to be the head of the family. Family ensures that all members get access to the basic needs such food, clothing and shelter. They also ensure members are comfortable in their daily experiences. Each and every individual has various life experiences that he or she goes through. The informant, Mr McCarter had an interesting experience in terms of the family experiences. Being the only boy among their siblings, he faced various experiences in terms of the daily chores performed in the house and the general way of living. As a child, McCarter related well with his family members. He performed the tasks assigned to him in time. As he grew into the adolescent stage, at times he ignored chores assigned to him. For example, he says there was a day he deliberately refused to clean the fridge and it was his turn. Grounding was the consequence of his actions. As he matured he had no problems with his parents or sisters. Generally, McCarter had good relationship ties with his family members. This was enabled by the good moral values that were constantly taught by his parents.

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