Monday, December 30, 2019

Buddhism Essay - 2598 Words

Buddhism Gautama Buddha, previously known as Prince Siddhartha (before his enlightenment) founded the religion of Buddhism. Gautama Buddha was born to Queen Maha-Maya at Kapilavastu, Nepal, Indian. Buddha taught and organized the Sangha, monastic orders, until his death at Kusinagara, at the age of 80. There are 308,000,000 Buddhist devotees in the world today. They believe that there has been Buddha before Him; Bodhisattvas who come as Saviors of all and that all beings are Buddha whether they realize it or not. There are 4 cardinal events in the life of Buddha that represents 4 major pilgrimage centers for Buddhists: His Birth at Kapilavastu, His Enlightenment at Bodhgaya, His First Sermon at Sarnath, and His Death at†¦show more content†¦Four angels kept guard to ward off all harm from the Future Buddha and the Future Buddha’s mother. After carrying the Future Buddha, for ten months, Queen Maha-Maya, was sent on her way, with great fan fare, to visit her kinsfolk in Devadaha. Between the two cities, in a pleasure grove of sal-trees, called Lumbini Grove, she decided to stop and give birth standing up. She reached to hold a branch, and immediately her pains came, while people hung a curtain around her. At that moment four pure-minded Maha-Brahma angels came bearing a golden net and received the Future Buddha on it and placed Him before his mother. Then they delivered Him to the four guardian angels, which delivered Him to men who received him on a coil of fine cloth and let Him unto the ground. Gods and men made offerings to him saying â€Å"Great Being! There is none your equal, much less your superior.† After Buddha has surveyed all the ten directions, he went forward followed by Maha-Brahma holding over him a white umbrella, Suyama bearing a fan and other divinities the other symbols of royalty in th eir hands. Queen Maha-Maya tells the King Suddhodana of her dream of His Divine Birth. The king invited Brahamans to interpret the dream who said â€Å" You will have a son. If he continues to live the household life, he will become a Universal Morarch; but if he leaves the household life and retires from the work, he will become a Buddha, and roll back the clouds of sinShow MoreRelatedBuddhism : Buddhism And Buddhism1009 Words   |  5 Pages Zen Buddhism isn’t exactly a â€Å"religion†, but a way of living. It creates peace within the human mind that allows one to grow, develop and look at the world more positively. Originating in China in 650 C.E., Zen Buddhism is a combination between Indian Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. Mahayana Buddhism promotes bodhisattva, which is practicing the way of life in the direction of Buddha. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Working Memory Model Proposed by Alan Baddeley and...

That our memory isn’t veridical is not a novel idea. This means that we don’t perfectly remember everything that we have seen or experienced in the past. Broadly speaking, there are two fundamental memory errors that occur in everyday life. One is forgetting events that have occurred, and the other is remembering something that did not transpire (or misremembering them in the way that they occurred). The first error, forgetting, is very common, and needs no explanation. We can all think of instances where our memory has failed us. However, the latter error is a more curious scenario. Often times, when a friend mentions a funny episode that happened at a party you were at, you might incorporate that into your memory even though you†¦show more content†¦This is to say that the brain works on the information even after we store it in our memories. And therein lies the problem. The fact that our cognitive system processes raw data in order to make better sense of it is a probable cause of the aforementioned lapse in our memory. This experiment aims to study whether the information processing in our cognitive systems leads to the formation of false/illusory memories, and if so, what are the possible reasons as to why these false memories take shape. The experiment was in the form of a word recognition test. Participants went through a list of 12 words; the words were all thematically related (car, wheel, bike, motorcycle †¦), with the exception of one of two in the list (pencil). After they had gone through the list, they were presented with another set of words, and were asked to recognize which of those words had been present in the initial list. Each of these ‘recognition sets’ contained at least one word that belonged to the same overarching theme of the initial list, but wasn’t actually present in it (brakes). Thus, there were three types of words participants could have chosen on the ‘recognition setsâ₠¬â„¢: words that appeared on the list, words that did not appear, but were related to the ones on the list, and thoseShow MoreRelatedThe Original General Model Of Memory Essay1529 Words   |  7 PagesThe original general model of memory was proposed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin in 1968. The Attkinson-Shiffrin theory of human memory states that human memory can be classified into three components: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory (Atkinson, Shiffrin, 1968). Sensory memory is where sensory information is brought into memory and maintained by the senses. For instance, when a person perceives an environmental stimulus for a short time before it fades, the objectRead Moreworking memory18399 Words   |  74 PagesCHAPTER Working Memory 6 Le arn i ng O b j ec t i ves 1. Using Working Memory 1.1. A Computer Metaphor 1.2. Implications of the Nature of Working Memory 2. From Primary Memory to Working Memory: A Brief History 2.1. William James: Primary Memory, Secondary Memory, and Consciousness 2.2. Early Studies: The Characteristics of Short-Term Memory 2.2.1. Brevity of Duration 2.2.2. Ready Accessibility 2.3. The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model: The Relationship of Short-Term and LongTerm Memory 2.4. The Baddeley-Hitch

Saturday, December 14, 2019

German Expressionism Free Essays

German Expressionism: â€Å"Nonstarter† vs.. â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. We will write a custom essay sample on German Expressionism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Calamari† German expressionism is a movement that started post World War 1, and before the Second World War. It used a unique technique of shadowing and distinctive camera angles. The films during the movement told stories that mimicked the forbidding reality of the German’s life. For example, in â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. Calamari,† the set design was painted to get the specific diagonals and claustrophobic atmosphere. Throughout the film, the viewer almost experiences the madness that is happening on the set. The music pushes down on your brain, creating a feeling of uneasiness. The monotone music combined with the asymmetrical diagonals represent the mindset of Francis, who is in the insane asylum. The overall film presents a horror-like impression. The film â€Å"Nonstarter† also falls into the category of German Expressionism. However, it is more sped-up and includes several montages, especially during the scene with Count Oarlock. â€Å"Nonstarter† like, â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. Calamari† takes on similar traits of darkness and delusion. The directors partaking in such a movement often used it as a cry for help, considering the after math of WWW for Germany. â€Å"Nonstarter† uses any shadowing techniques; personally, I think they symbolize the issues the society was going through with humiliation and disease. Count Oarlock, throughout the beginning of the film was only seen in shadows, and the first time the viewer sees Oarlock is the first time Hotter encounters him at gate of the mansion. Oarlock plays the part as the cursed vampire well; it adds the finishing detail to the film of German Expressionism. â€Å"The Cabinet of Dry. Calamari† and â€Å"Nonstarter† take on a deeper meaning than what is shown on the screen. They include a lot if inner thoughts and emotions that can allude to the general public of Germany at the time. How to cite German Expressionism, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Libor Scandal 2014

Question: Consider the libor scandal 2014 which many banks of the uk banks were involved in .explore the causes of this scandal and evaluate the impact? Answer: Introduction: Libor stands for the London Interbank Offered Rate. It is the rate at which banks can borrow funds from each other. Previously it was known as BBA Libor (for British Bankers Association). Libor is generally defined as a benchmark interest rate through which banks can lend unsecured funds to each other. This rate is also published by the British Bankers Association. Libor is calculated against ten different currencies and fifteen different maturities that is why Libor is considered as a global benchmark to lend short term interest rates. Eighteen banks participated for the US Dollar Libor. The Libor rate being a global benchmark, it is used for giving mortgages, loans and other financial products traded around the world. Therefore an attempt was made to make the current market in favor of labor rate. That led to increase in the profits and it made an advantage over others. The labor Scandal arose with the fact that banks started getting aware about lending loans to one another and this cause led to increasing Libor rate. The higher the rate that they were charged to borrow, the more likely a bank was to collapse. Libor rate affected the global borrowing because many banks used Libor as a base rate against interest rates on corporate and consumer loans. According to US Commodities Future Trading Commission, hundreds of trillions of dollars were linked to Libor which included auto and home loans. It was also important to note that banks involved with securities business were more likely to fail. From facts it was seen that 5000 banks failed in the 1920s.During the Great Depression more than 25% banks failed and even some were closed down. Banks involved in the LIBOR Scandal: The American banks those were included as the panel for fixing US dollars was The Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Citibank, NA. Apart from this 16 other non- US banks were involved in the US dollar fixing in London. These banks are: HSBC, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd, and of Nova Scotia, BNP Paribas, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Credit Agricole CIB, Credit Suisse, Rabobank, Royal bank of Canada, Lloyds TSB Bank plc, UBS AG, The Royal bank of Scotland group, The Norinchukin Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Hou, 2015). Causes Of Libor Scandal: The LIBOR Scandal was brought in by the GFC so that Barclays could maintain its creditworthiness in the market. It was also found out that the manipulation was not just restricted to the managers and traders in Barclays, but also catered to other banks in US as well over the years. The LIBOR scandal was caused by the regulators and rogue employees who even pose a stop to the government as well. This scandal was considered as a form of price fixing. The answer to the cause of this issue was suspecticious because of the presence of political parties and issues. There were no standard operating procedures and they did not abide by the law (, 2015). Controversy of the Libor Scandal: There was a controversy with this scandal that manipulations was done by Barclays in the cost submissions that lead to downsizing of their financial health and therefore they could not make any profit out of it. It was also pointed out that traders were placed in between with direct communication and this made the bankers to be affected. This brought an insight by the traders to set the labor rates as per convenience (Claudio, 2014). Impact of the Libor Scandal: LIBOR had following impact on the financings in the US. Libor decides on the rate of interest that can be adjusted along with residential mortgages used such as collateral for derivative securities which are sold both in the private and public market places. It also sets the rate of interest for the next period by which floating bonds can be sold within or outside US. The outstanding bonds are necessarily to be redeemed as and when the international financings are issued. All the proceedings of the bonds are directed of the issuer in Guaranteed Investment Contracts (GICs). This was a part of the investment offered by financial service institutions. There were two main forms of manipulation that were discovered. Firstly traders were acknowledged to ask Barclays employees to change their rates. Secondly initiatives were taken to improve the fiscal health manipulating the rates downward. It was projected that the new rate calculation will be based on increasing rates of interest rate in the market. It was also proposed to make the rates transparent in the market for international use (LBC, 2015). Penalties for the Libor Scandal: Certain amount of fine was imposed against manipulation of the Libor rates. Barclays Bank was fined $200 million by the Commodity Futures trading Commission, the United States Department of Justice fined $160 million and 59.5 Euros by the Financial Services Authority. During the global financial crisis of 2007-2012, the interest rates were made lower (When the Bollinger bankers' bubbles burst, 2013). Regulation and Sanctions made by the government on Libor Scandal: There was a need of labor rate manipulation that was reported by the Wall Street Journal in 2011. It was necessary for the government to make necessary changes in form of amendments to the Parliament or Banking Reform Bill. The government wanted to control the credibility of LIBOR by officially replacing British Banking Association as operational administrator and this also restore the reputation of LIBOR in market (Horton, 2012). Process and purpose of how banks set their LIBOR rates: The process of fixing or setting the LIBOR rates is transparent and simple according to the BBA LIBOR 2013. Certain questions were raised in the market according to which the business was to be conducted. It was also necessary to specify the rate at which funds could be borrowed which is prior to the market size as well. All the contribution from the banks involved are taken into the account for producing the final Libor rate in the market within each currency. These final official rates are then published by Thomson Reutors who is considered as the designated distributor of these rates. After that it is made available to thousands of banks around the world (, 2015). The official LIBOR rates are used by the banks itself as benchmarks not only for the customers but it also helps in the settlement of contracts. For example maturing interest rate contracts on derivatives exchanges. Therefore Libor rate is considered as an integral element of the international financial system of world. The next step is to make avail these rates to be monitored and examined by the Foreign Exchange and Money Market Committee. The sub committees play a crucial role in determining and solving necessary issues related to the disciplinary actions and LIBOR submission process as well. It was determined that there was a transparent calculation mechanism that was widely used and considered as strength for over-the-counter derivatives. Role of Libor in the Commercial Sector: The role played by the LIBOR rate was mainly to serve as a benchmark rate for financing of loans and funds across the world. The rate was used as a debt instrument to the corporate bonds and government, credit cards, loans given to the students, and also as a derivative to other financial products. It also helps to calculate the current state of the banking system that is being operated in the world (Yeung, 2013). Impact of LIBOR on its own business and consumers: Libor rate became a focus of significance in determining the credit policies. It poses a level of confidence that banks have on one another. The rate at which banks charge on loans and mortgages depends on the ability at which banks can raise money as well. If there is a certain increase in the percentage of pounds it can add to hundreds of households. If banks can borrow more cheaply then there is no need to offer good returns. For example if the base rate was 2 percent then Libor would be 2.1 percent (BBC News, 2013). It is very essential for a consumer to know which rates are tied up with Libor. Consumers must know the original terms and conditions for it. The Libor rate also affected the financial markets as well. It was necessary for the banks to know to know about the actual borrowing and lending rates. The central bank should have monitored the rates accordingly as Libor does. The new contractors wanted a transaction based benchmark for the Libor mechanism to work along with the existing contractors as well. Libor was now considered as an instrument to check how healthy a bank is and it also depicts which banks are deemed with poor financial health (Gatarek, Bachert and Maksymiuk, 2006). Conclusion: It can be concluded that recommendations needed to be given for improving the rates imposed by the Libor rate that can be implemented in UK in the near future. The Libor Scandal controversy reduced the circumstances of the market activity and this led to swapping of index overnight. This helped banks to make short term transactions. It was also necessary to ensure a more reliable benchmarking system that would enhance the funding costs of the banks. This also enabled to provide a legal aspect to make it more transparent and open to the financial industry. References BBC News, (2013).Timeline: Libor-fixing scandal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Feb. 2015]. Council on Foreign Relations, (2015).Understanding the Libor Scandal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Feb. 2015]. Gatarek, D., Bachert, P. and Maksymiuk, R. (2006).The LIBOR market model in practice. Chichester, England: John Wiley Sons. Global Research, (2015).Two Years after the Libor Scandal, Banks Get Token Fines for Rigging Global Foreign Exchange Rates. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Feb. 2015]. Hou, D. (2015).LIBOR: Origins, Economics, Crisis, Scandal, and Reform. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 27 Feb. 2015]. Hou, D. and Skeie, D. (n.d.). LIBOR: Origins, Economics, Crisis, Scandal, and Reform.SSRN Journal., F. 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