Thursday, October 31, 2019

Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16

Accounting - Essay Example First, there are numerous advantages of using marginal costing over absorption costing. It is easier to carry out the control and determination of production costs. This is through the management avoiding the arbitrary allocation of the fixed overhead costs thus having an achievement and maintenance of a uniform and marginal cost that is consistent (BANERJEE, 2006). Second, marginal costing helps in planning for short-term profit. This is through the easy demonstrations using the break-even charts and profit graphs. Unlike the absorption costing, comparative profitability can easily be assessed and hence be brought to the notice of the management so that there is decision making (Avis, 2009). Third, with the implementation of marginal costing, there is ready appreciation and assessment of the effects of the production policies and alternative sales. This ensures that there will be maximum yield to the business due to the decisions arrived. This gives it a notch higher than in using absorption costing (V., 2010). The method eliminates any large balances that are left in the overhead control accounts. This thus indicates that there is a difficulty in ascertaining the accurate recovery rate of overheads. With the elimination, it becomes easier to determine the accurate overhead rate of recovery (Drury, 2007). On the other hand, there are the disadvantages of using marginal costing over the absorption costing technique. First, there is difficulty in separating costs into the fixed and variable costs. This is because, in the long run, all costs are variable. Such classification may sometimes lead to misleading results to the cyber firm (Hill, 2012). Second, under the marginal costing, stocks and the work in progress are usually understated. The exclusion of fixed costs, especially from the inventory, affects the profit. With this, the true and fair view of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

OPower Essay Example for Free

OPower Essay Answer the following questions that are based on the article reading below. Keep your responses to 1-2 paragraphs (150-300 words) per question. Posts must be clear and concise, and must address the questions being asked. You must also respond to at least one of yourpeers Discussion Questions: Even though Laskey and Yates are of the opinion that OPower has been extremely successful in the years since its inception, they also believe that the behavioral science-based approach could produce even better results. They also feel that they needed to work on convincing more regulators to adopt this new version of behavioral energy efficiency. 1. What changes could they make to drive more positive results? Laskey and Yates have done an outstanding job with a marvelous business model idea. This business model definitely has the Win, Win, characteristics; OPower, the consumer and the environment all win. The behavioral science strategy of a little competition with the neighbor and a little fear of judgment is obviously working well. However, OPower could rise the level of competition to a different level by rewarding the biggest saver in a designated area. This could be done by announcing the winner in everyone’s bill in that area, and reducing his next month electrical rate to a lower rate. In other words, the less a consumer consumes the less is the charge per unit cost. This competition level could be raised, to city level or even state level. Such incentives could help Laskey and Yates achieve the 5% energy use reduction. 2. Were there other things they could do to have an impact on energy uses—or on the environment more fundamentally? Information-based energy management is one of the most exciting innovations in the utility industry. Behavioral science and targeted, multi-channel communications make it possible to stimulate utility customers on a large scale, leading to increased engagement and sustained energy savings. However, there is more that can to be done to reduce our negative environmental impact. OPower model only stimulates consumer for less energy consumption. It does not create incentives to use sustainable energy. I believe that any problem can be most effectively solved when prevented rather that cured. If we were using sustainable, renewable, and cleaner resources rather than non-renewable, highly dangerous and, polluting resource to create energy, it would be a better solution. OPower could generate a study and show the impact difference in coil generated electricity versus so lar generated electricity to promote cleaner electricity producing resources. 3. What could they do to more quickly move state governments to approve their program?  The OPower program has already received our current Presidential recognition. This is a huge leverage to influence other State representatives to recognize the impact the energy saving could have at a state level. The company representatives could use the President’s endorsement as a leader’s opinion, and lobby their services to influence other possible leaders such as governors and presidents of other countries. I also like the idea of Opower to provide their services to bigger consumers. It obviously would show greater energy reduction if the consumer is larger user of energy. It would also be a great way to market their service, because the corporation using OPower could let their customers know that they are using less energy by utilizing OPower services.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Nike Brand Analysis

Nike Brand Analysis Nike brand has been around since the 1960s. This brand has become known as one of the top brands of sports gear. This has not happened because of an accident. A lot of work has gone into making this brand what it is today. The amount of different brands that Nike makes help them reach out to every kind of person in the world today. The competition for Nike has also helped them succeed by making them try and stay ahead of their competition. Also if you take a look at their SWOT analysis you can see the different things that make Nike one of the top brands in todays world. The idea of Nike began way back in the 1950s. A track coach by the name of Bill Bowerman was at the University of Oregon training his team. Bill was always looking for a competitive edge for his runners, like most of us today look for any advantage we can get. Bill said he tried using different shoes for his runners as well as trying other things to try and make his athletes better. Bill tried to contact the shoes manufactures in attempt to try out his ideas for running shoes. This however failed. In 1955 a track runner by the name of Phil Knight enrolled at Oregon. Phil was on the track team under Bill. Phil graduated from Oregon and acquired his MBA from Stanford University. Phil went on to write a paper that talked about how quality shoes could be made over in Japan and they would be cheaper. Phil called a company in Japan and became a distributor of Tiger shoes in the United States of America. Phil sent some pairs of shoes to his old track coach trying to get Bill to buy the shoe s. Instead of buying these shoes Bill offered Phil a partnership to create better running shoes. In 1964 Bill and Phil shook hands and formed Blue Ribbon Sports. The companies first move was to order three hundred pairs of shoes from the company in Japan. While Bill examined these shoes and tried to make them better Phil was out selling the shoes. Bill had his track team at Oregon try out his new creations. This became the foundation of Nike. Due to the fact that Bill and Phil still had a full time job, they hired Jeff Johnson as their first full time employee. Jeff soon became a invaluable utility man for the company. In 1971 Jeff created brochures, marketing materials and even shot photos for a catalogue. The very first Blue Ribbon store was opened by Jeff. Meanwhile the relationship between Blue Ribbon and the company from Japan was starting to deteriorate. Bill and Phil made the jump to manufacturing and designing their own footwear. The trade marks swoosh which was introduced a t this time. The Nike line of footwear was unveiled in 1972, during the U.S. Track and Field Trials. One pair of the shoes had a huge impression on a dozen multiple runners that wore the new shoes. These shoes incorporated a new style of soles that that had nubs on them that resembled the ridges of a waffle iron. These shoes were also a lot less heavier than most running shoes at the time. With the new image Nike started looking for athletes to wear, promote and elevate the new shoes. The first athlete they found was Steve Prefontaine. Prefontaine never lost a race that was over a mile in distance in his college career between 1969 and 1973. Prefontaine challenged Bill , Phil and their new company to stretch their talents. In turn Prefontaine became an ambassador for Blur Ribbon Sports and Nike. In 1975 Prefontaine died at the age of 24, but his spirit still lives on within Nike. Prefontaine became the soul of Nike. When 1980 hit Nike entered the stock market and became a publicly t raded company. Once this happened many of the people that started the company moved on with their lives. This included Phil Knight who resigned from his president spot for over a year. In the mid-1980s Nike started to slip from top of its industry. This started to change when Michael Jordan released a new shoe through Nike. When this happened Nikes bottom line got a boost. In 1988 the slogan that we all know today Just do it was introduced as a way for Nike to build on its momentum from their Revolution campaign. The Just do it campaign included three advertisements in which a young athlete by the name of Bo Jackson was involved in. By the end of the decade Nike was at the top of their industry once again. The 90s brought a series of outreach for Nike. At this point in time Nike deepened their commitment into others sports such as soccer and golf. In 1995 Nike signed the whole World Cup wining Brazilian National Team. This also allowed Nike to create jerseys for the team. Nike also landed contracts with both the mens and womans teams for the United States. The biggest thing that Nike was criticized for was when they signed a young golfer by the name of Eldick Tiger Woods for huge deal. All of the competition said this was a dumb idea till Tiger won the 1997 Masters by a record 12 strokes. In 2000 a new shoe was introduced. This shoe went by the name of the Nike Shox. This shoe combined more than 15 years of dedication and perseverance. Nike is still the industry leader in their markets and continues to grow more and more each year around the world. This company will have much more to offer in the future. Nikes products do not just cover one area like some companies products. Nike prides itself in having a product for most every sport out there. Also they do not just stick to shoes. They also produce everything from socks and compression shorts to sunglasses and hats. Nikes first products started with track shoes. Today they still are huge into the shoe industry but Nike also makes jerseys, shorts, baselayers etc. Nikes products never stop involving. As a person who wears a lot of Nike gear, my favorite thing about the brand is that they always find a way to make the products better. Take their basketball shoe line for example. When Nike made their first pair of basketball shoes they probably had no idea what they were doing. Today Nike has one of the best lines of basketball shoes out there with the Air Jordan line. These shoes are always light weight and they feature great support and breathable leather which are both needed in a good basketball shoe. Also Nike makes their products stand out with their brilliant use of colors and unique designs. Everyone in todays society wants to be seen in the swoosh. In 2009 Nike introduced the Nike+ products and teamed up with Apple. This allows runners to sink their shoes with their IPods and it will allow them to see how far they have run, how many calories they have burned and also keeps time for them. Nike has also done this with their basketball shoes which allow players to link up through their IPods again. However this new design helps measure a players vertical, quickness, and other aspects of their game. Nikes products keep improving with the time and there is no end in sight to what Nike can do with their products. Nike has many competitors in their industry. These companies include but are not limited to Puma, Underarmor and Addidas. These competitors drive Nike to strive for new innovations every day. Nike competes with Addidas in the basketball market. Nike owns over 80% of U.S. basketball market to as where Addidas owns only about 14%. Addidas is trying to keep up with Nike in innovation but is having a really hard time in doing so. Nike and Underarmor are major competitors in the work out clothing industry. Both of these companies make very good products that will help an athlete get better in their sports. In this industry I would have to give the advantage to Underarmour because when you go to a gym you always see people working out in Underarmor clothes. Puma and Nike compete in the shoes market. They are both big in the track shoes industry. Both of these companies make extremely comfortably light weight shoes. If you watch the Track and Field events at the Olympics you will see most r unners are wearing Nike shoes or Puma shoes. In this competitive match up I would have to say Nike has the clear edge. If you look at the past Puma use to have every track athlete in a pair of their shoes. Over the past decade that has shifted towards the shoes that are produced Nike. Nike has the overall competitive advantage in their industry. The people that buy Nike brand differ immensely. The target Market for Nike clothing and other accessories are people between 18-35 years of age. Some characterists about the people that buy the Nike brand include many things. One main thing for most of the Nike customers are that they watch or play a lot of sports. This is said because Nike uses major sports icons to promote their products. These athletes include Lebron James, Tiger Woods, Mia Hamm and many more athletes from all different sports. By using these athletes it makes people want to wear the brands that their favorite athletes wear. Some more characteristics of Nike consumers are that they are into extreme sports. Nike has come out with the 6.0 line to appeal to the younger generations thrill of extreme sports. These are just a few characteristics that Nike buyers have in common. Nike is a great company in its industry and it will be a very long time till anyone ever knocks them off of the top of their industry. However Nike has had issues with violating Human rights. Their factories are under scrutiny in countries like Mexico and Vietnam. Their factories in Vietnam have been in violation of minimum wage and overtime laws. Nike states that these violations are no longer happening. In the 1990s Nikes use of faced child labor in Cambodia and Pakistanis was being closely monitored. However Nike still has factories in places where the monitoring of child labor has bad regulations.. In 2001 BBC documentary uncovered the use of child labor by Nike. The documentary was based around 6 little girls, who worked every single day and were all working over 14 hours shifts. In July 2011 Nike admitted that 66% of their factories do not meet regulations for worker treatment. I conducted a SWOT analysis on the Nike Brand. One of Nikes key strengths is their use of popular athletes to help promote their products. The idea behind this is that most individuals will remember what a star athlete is wearing. A major weakness is that the market that Nike operates in is very price sensitive. Most of Nikes income comes retailers purchasing the products they produce. This indicates that margins tend to get squeezed as retailers try to get low price competition on Nikes products. Opportunities include things such as the constant change in technology. The ability to generate more money by having a wide range of products helps Nike a lot. Nike is not just involved in sports wear they are also in regular clothing and sunglasses. Also Nike has a huge base all over the world which allows them to have a larger global market. Finally some of the threats are that the retail sector is becoming substantially price competitive. This means that shoppers are looking around for b etter deals rather than just buying the top brands. The consumer now controls the manufacturing. If a consumer wants to find the lowest price on identical products, then they will go store to store in order to find the lowest price. In conclusion Nike has a lot going for it. It started with a track coach and a track runner. This brand has become known as one of the top brands of sports gear. This has not happened because of an accident. A lot of work has gone into making this brand what it is today. The amount of different brands that Nike makes help them reach out to every kind of person in the world today. The competition for Nike has also helped them succeed by making them try and stay ahead of their competition. Also if you take a look at their SWOT analysis you can see the different things that make Nike one of the top brands in todays world. Their number one position in the world is will continue far into the future if they stick with what they know. Work Cited About NIKE, Inc.ÂÂ  NIKE, Inc. -. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. . History Heritage.ÂÂ  NIKE, Inc. -. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. . Nike, Inc.ÂÂ  Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Oct. 2012. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Vermont’s Permission of Same-sex Marriage :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

The Irrationality of Vermont’s Permission of Gay Marriage This essay explains the rationale behind the Vermont decision - and its effect upon conservative groups especially. In December of 1999, the Supreme Court of Vermont decided that it was, on balance, a violation of the Constitution of Vermont to withhold from couples of the same sex the benefits that flow to married couples. But the court did not think it proven that the laws on marriage had been animated by any intention to discriminate against women, lesbians, and gays in the way that other laws, in the past, had discriminated against blacks. The laws in Vermont were meant to secure marriage, or to establish marriage as the proper setting for sexuality, not to saddle people with disabilities. But just why legislators in the past bore such convictions-or whether those convictions were any longer defensible-the judges did not think they were in a position any longer to say. Nevertheless, they recognized that it was portentous to install, on their own, a novel form of marriage. A move of that kind, they admitted, "may have unforeseen and disruptive consequences." They refused to hold then that the "plaintiffs are entitled to a marriage license." The judges declared, instead, that "judicial authority is not ultimate authority," and so they put back, in the hands of the legislature, the question of whether couples of the same-sex might receive the benefits of marriage without having the union described as a "marriage." The decision in Vermont set off alarms in the community of conservatives, with broadsides fired off once more against "judicial activism." But a closer look at the text of the decision yields a slightly different response: Yes, and yet no; it is not as bad as it appears-but it may be even worse. The judges would no doubt bridle at the charge of judicial activism, but their surprise would only confirm just how deeply the premises of that activism have penetrated. For the judges may no longer even be aware of how much they have detached themselves from any constraints contained in the constitutional text, or in the principles of jurisprudence themselves. Consider what the judges offer earnestly as the ground of their judgment in this case-the so-called Common Benefits clause of the Vermont Constitution, which reads: That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community, and not for the particular emolument or advantage of any single person, family, or set of persons, who are a part only of that community.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

New Historicist Criticism: Macbeth and the Power Essay

Stripped of Shakespeare’s poetic style and skilful characterization, Macbeth is revealed as little more than a petty tyrant. Like Machiavelli’s Prince, Macbeth seeks power as an end in itself and sees any means as justified provided it helps him achieve his goal. It is a standard image of power: an individual, or small group, occupying a position of authority from which he (seldom she) attempts to force his will upon others. Today’s equivalent of a feudal monarch is the power-hungry politician, the cult leader, or the ruthless business tycoon. But the new historicist conception of power is different; rather than being a top-down affair that originates from a specific place or individual, power comes from all around us, it permeates us, and it influences us in many subtle and different ways. This idea of decentralized power, heavily indebted to post-structuralist philosophy (see Derrida and Foucault), is sometimes difficult to understand because it seems to have a n intangible, mystical quality. Power appears to operate and maintain itself on its own, without any identifiable individual actually working the control levers. This new historicist notion of power is evident in Macbeth in the way in which Macbeth’s apparent subversion of authority culminates in the re-establishment of that same type of authority under Malcolm. A ruthless king is replaced with another king, a less ruthless one, perhaps, but that is due to Malcolm’s benevolent disposition, not to any reform of the monarchy. Similarly, the subversion of the play’s moral order is contained, and the old order reaffirmed, by the righteous response to that subversion. In other words, what we see at the beginning of the play–an established monarch and the strong Christian values that legitimize his sovereignty–is the same as what we see at the end of the play, only now the monarchy and its supporting values are even more firmly entrenched thanks to the temporary disruption. It is almost as if some outside force carefully orchestrates events in order to strengthen the existing power structures. Consider, for example, a military leader who becomes afraid of the peace that undermines his position in society. In response to his insecurity, he creates in people’s minds the fear of an impending enemy–whether rea l or imaginary, it doesn’t matter. As a consequence of their new feelings of insecurity, people desire that their leader remain in power and even increase his power so that he can better defend them from their new II enemy. II The more evil and threatening our enemies are made to appear, the more we believe our own aggressive response to them is justified, and the more we see our leaders as our valiant protectors (Zinn,Declarations of Independence 260-61,266). Military or political power is strengthened, not weakened, when it has some kind of threatening subversion of contain ( Greenblatt 62-65). The important point about the new historicist notion of power, however, is that it is not necessary for anyone to orchestrate this strengthening of authority. Duncan certainly doesn’t plan to be murdered in order that the crown will be more secure on Malcolm’s head after he deposes Macbeth. The witches can be interpreted as manipulating events, but there is nothing to indicate that they are motivated by a concern to increase the power and authority of the Scottish crown. It is not necessary to believe in conspiracy theories to explain how power perpetuates itself; the circular and indirect, rather than top-down, way in which power operates in society is enough to ensure that it is maintained and its authority reinforced. The theater illustrates this point in that the Renaissance theater–its subject matter, spectacle, emphasis on role-playing–drew its energy from the life of the court and the affairs of state–their ceremony, royal pageants and progresses, the spectacle of public executions (Greenblatt 11-16). In return, the theater helped legitimate the existing state structures by emphasizing, for example, the superior position in society of the aristocracy and royalty. These are the class of people, the theater repeatedly showed its audience, who deserve to have their stories told on stage, while common people are not worthy subjects for serious drama and are usually represented as fools or scoundrels. Revealing the inherently theatrical aspects of the court and affairs of state runs the risk of undermining their authority–if people on stage can play at being Kings and Queens, lords and ladies, then there is always the possibility that the audience will suspect that real Kings and Queens, lords and ladies, are just ordinary people who are playing a role and do not actually deserve their position of wealth and privilege. But the very existence of the theater helped keep the threat of rebellion under control by providing people with a legitimate, though restricted, place to express otherwise unacceptable ideas and behavior (Mullaney 8-9). Within the walls of the theater, it is acceptable to mock the actor playing a king, but never the king himself; it is acceptable to contemplate the murder of a theatrical monarch, but never a real one. Macbeth deals with the murder of a king, but Shakespeare turns that potentially subversive subject into support for his king, James I. Queen Elizabeth died without a direct heir, and a – power vacuum is a recipe for domestic turmoil or even war. The consequences of Macbeth’s regicide and tyranny illustrate the kinds of disruption that were prevented by the peaceful ascension to the throne of James, son of Mary, Queen of Scots. The â€Å"good king† of England ( 4.3 .147) who gives Malcolm sanctuary and supports his cause as the rightful successor to the Scottish crown is an indirect reference to James I. Macbeth is about treason and murder, but Malcolm’s description of the noble king (147-59), and the stark contrast between him and Macbeth, reinforces the idea that good subjects should see their king as their benefactor and protector. Shakespeare was not coerced into flattering his king. There was official censorship in his time, but it is unlikely that he needed anyone to tell him what he could or could not write; he knew the types of stories that were acceptable to authority and desirable to his paying public. Whether or not Shakespeare felt constrained by these limitations, or even consciously recognized them, is not the point; the point is that he worked within a set of conventions and conditions which relied upon and reinforced the governing power relations of his time, and so there was no need for him to be manipulated by a government censor looking over his shoulder. If Shakespeare had not known the boundaries of the acceptable, or had not conformed to the demands of power, he would never have become a successful playwright. According to new historicism, our own relationship to power is similar to that of Shakespeare’s: we collaborate with the power that controls us. Without necessarily realizing what we are doing, we help create and sustain it, thus reducing the need for authority figures to remind us what to do or think. Once we accept the cultural limitations imposed on our thought and behavior, once we believe that the limits of the permissible are the extent of the possible, then we happily police ourselves. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Careers for an Economics Major

Careers for an Economics Major Being an economics major means youve taken (or will take) classes that explore finance, psychology, logic, and mathematics, among others. But just what kinds of jobs can you look for that will utilize everything youve learned and done as an economics major? Fortunately, an economics major allows you to take a variety of interesting, engaging, and rewarding jobs. Jobs for Economics Majors 1. Teach. You chose to pursue a career in economics because you love it- and, most likely, because someone somewhere along the way helped spark that passion in both your heart and brain. Consider igniting that kind of interest in someone else by teaching. 2. Tutor. Economics may come easy to you, but many people struggle with it. You just might be able to make a career out of tutoring economics to high school students, college students, and anyone else who needs a little help. 3. Work at a college or university doing research. Think about it: You already have connections at your institution in the Economics department, and youre one of the freshest minds on the market. Consider doing academic research with a professor or department at your own or a nearby college or university. 4. Work at an institute doing research. If you like the idea of research but want to branch out a little from your college days, consider doing research at a think tank or other research institute. 5. Work for an economics magazine or journal. As an economics major, you no doubt came to understand how important journals are in the field. Working at a magazine or journal can be a really great gig that exposes you to a ton of new ideas and people. 6. Work for a large company in the business department. Put your economics training to good use by working on the business side of things for a large company. 7. Work at a nonprofit that helps people improve their economic situation in America. Fortunately, there are an abundance of nonprofits out there that help people do everything from save for a house, learn how to budget better, or get out of debt. Find one that matches your interests and see if theyre hiring. 8. Work at a nonprofit that helps people internationally. Other nonprofits work to improve the economic conditions of people across the globe. If you want a larger impact, consider working for a nonprofit with an international mission you believe in. 9. Work at an investment or financial planning firm. Learning more about the markets in a hands-on kind of way can be an interesting, exciting job. Find an investment or financial planning firm that has an ethos you like and see what you can do! 10. Help a nonprofit with the business side of the house. Nonprofits do great work, from helping promote community gardens to bringing music into classrooms. They all, however, have to make sure their business affairs are in order- and need people like you to help. 11. Work in the government. The government has many different offices and departments that deal with the business side of governance. See whos hiring and go to bed knowing youre helping your career and Uncle Sam. 12. Work for a political organization. Political organizations (including election campaigns) often need advice on handling economics issues, creating policy positions, etc. Put your training to use while also being involved in the political system. 13. Work for a consulting firm. Consulting firms can be a great gig for someone who knows theyre interested in finance and business, but isnt sure yet about which sector theyd like to go into. Consulting will expose you to a lot of different companies and situations while providing you with a reliable and interesting job. 14. Work in journalism. Econ major? In journalism? Explaining things like economic policy, the markets, corporate culture, and business trends is very difficult for many people- except economics majors, who often have a better understanding of these kinds of issues than most folks out there. Consider using your understanding of all-things-economics-related to help others understand them better, too.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Character Sketch Priscilla Lammeter Essay Example

Character Sketch Priscilla Lammeter Essay Example Character Sketch Priscilla Lammeter Paper Character Sketch Priscilla Lammeter Paper Essay Topic: Literature Priscilla Lammeter is one of the smaller characters in Silas Marner. She is the sister of Miss Nancy, and the daughter of Mr Lammeter whom she lives with at The Warrens. Priscilla is rather plain and frumpy. She is, Square-shouldered, clumsy, high featured. Priscilla is not embarrassed by her ugly looks, for her it isnt important. We know this because she says freely, For I am ugly theres no denying that. She says exactly what she thinks, such as, Well, it just popped out. This is also a part of her honesty which is why she says, For Im a bad un to live with folks when the dont like the truth. Priscilla is loyal and loving to her family; she is even prepared to wear the same clothes as her sister because she loves her. Priscilla is, good-natured self forgetful and has a lot of common sense. She is a pretty cheerful person. Priscilla is modest and sarcastic. The doctor says, She saves a little pepper to sprinkle over her talk. Priscilla is a bit bossy and organized; when her father gets old she looks after him. He says, She manages me and the farm too. This also shows her love and loyalty towards her family. Another good example of her giving in to Nancy is, I must dress myself like you. Priscilla is a spinster and therefore decides to take over her fathers farm. She loves farming and thinks, Theres nothing like a dairy if folks want a bit o worrit to make the days pass. She puts all her effort into farming and her family. This also implies that she is bored of normal life. She buries herself in farming because she has no children.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Does White America Deserve The Blame

Does White America Deserve the Blame? From almost the beginning of time, with the Atlantic Slave Trade in the early 1500s, the title slave has been synonymous with African Americans and their culture. These human beings, with feelings and emotions, were stolen from their homeland and chained together, where they were tortured and forced to work in harsh conditions against their own will. For years, this slave-driven continental United States was home to a â€Å"white† America, where â€Å"niggers† and â€Å"negroes† were the working horse of the society. Through much hard work and determination, much of this â€Å"racism† and evil-heartedness has diminished ever since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. In recent times however, this explanation of slavery has been the scapegoat for the black community, which blames all individual problems on â€Å"white† America. In reality, it’s not the white individual’s fault or even the white-dominated society in which he o r she exists. If African Americans aren’t succeeding, there is no one to blame but themselves. Eric Watts in â€Å"The Color of Success† criticizes African Americans who ridicule one another for â€Å"acting white† and who say that success based on academic achievement is â€Å"not black.† He says that these groups of people are making false distinctions because they are misclassifying themselves as victims. Watts explains how the theory of the once â€Å"victimized black race† is being outdated. Truly, the youth of Black America was born after the Brown v Board of Education decision of 1954, and with the passage of such laws as the Civil Rights Act, the Economic Opportunity Act, and the laws dealing with Affirmative Action, problems faced by African Americans are falling on deaf ears. On July 2nd, 1964, the most important law passed since the reconstruction acts† was passed. The Civil Rights Act â€Å"entitled blacks equal voting rights, banned practices of segr... Free Essays on Does White America Deserve The Blame Free Essays on Does White America Deserve The Blame Does White America Deserve the Blame? From almost the beginning of time, with the Atlantic Slave Trade in the early 1500s, the title slave has been synonymous with African Americans and their culture. These human beings, with feelings and emotions, were stolen from their homeland and chained together, where they were tortured and forced to work in harsh conditions against their own will. For years, this slave-driven continental United States was home to a â€Å"white† America, where â€Å"niggers† and â€Å"negroes† were the working horse of the society. Through much hard work and determination, much of this â€Å"racism† and evil-heartedness has diminished ever since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. In recent times however, this explanation of slavery has been the scapegoat for the black community, which blames all individual problems on â€Å"white† America. In reality, it’s not the white individual’s fault or even the white-dominated society in which he o r she exists. If African Americans aren’t succeeding, there is no one to blame but themselves. Eric Watts in â€Å"The Color of Success† criticizes African Americans who ridicule one another for â€Å"acting white† and who say that success based on academic achievement is â€Å"not black.† He says that these groups of people are making false distinctions because they are misclassifying themselves as victims. Watts explains how the theory of the once â€Å"victimized black race† is being outdated. Truly, the youth of Black America was born after the Brown v Board of Education decision of 1954, and with the passage of such laws as the Civil Rights Act, the Economic Opportunity Act, and the laws dealing with Affirmative Action, problems faced by African Americans are falling on deaf ears. On July 2nd, 1964, the most important law passed since the reconstruction acts† was passed. The Civil Rights Act â€Å"entitled blacks equal voting rights, banned practices of segr...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reading response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Reading response - Essay Example The white race is protected from pollution and other environmental problems more than any other race particularly on issues such as siting the waste facilities and degree of penalties. The government’s style of cleaning up waste also favored only the white people since they were given priority. It is unfortunate to note that even the administration which should protect its people also discriminated them against race (Cole & Sheila 58-65). According to the authors, some of the reasons attributed to unequal distribution of environmental risks are the current social practices and structures. The article reveals that the individual lifestyle is one of the causes of environmental risks. The minority groups are said to be residing around areas where there are high environmental exposures such as where there are contaminated fish and heavy industries (Cole & Sheila 64-69). I agree with the authors that a good number of minority groups is poor thus forcing them to reside in poor urban areas. The poverty nature of the minority groups also deters them from accessing better medical facilities. However, the government should put measures to avoid such kind of unequal distribution of environmental risks such as offering better housing, employment and health care to all (Cole & Sheila 63-72). Some of the intentions or conducts by the government such as discrimination are based on racism although the judiciary may want further evidence on this. It may be hard to prove racism in the court but the fact that environmental risks are common amongst minority group is enough evidence. The article claims that perhaps the challenge of environmental exposure may be influenced by unequal distribution of the siting process (Westra & Bill 95-105). According to the authors, the minority groups segregated themselves in places that made the government to marginalize them and pay less attention to them. This was also

Friday, October 18, 2019

Strengths and Shortcomings of REBT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strengths and Shortcomings of REBT - Essay Example Human beings are dynamic beings and there does not seem to be a simple way they become emotionally disturbed, and there does not seem to be a simple way for them to be helped from feeling defeated (Ellis, n.d). The psychological issues which come up often arise from a client’s misperceptions, including his emotional underreactions or overreactions to unusual events or circumstances; and his dysfunctional patterns of behaviour also lead him towards repeating responses even if he knows he is behaving poorly (Ellis, n.d). The framework or model for the REBT is based on the ABC model where A=the activating event; B=the belief; and C=the consequent emotion which may include anxiety or depression (Philippe, 2010). The process may extend to include letters D and E which refer to disputing of irrational beliefs and effect (Stolear, n.d). REBT is based on the premise that our reactions are based on our unconscious interpretations and philosophies. We feel anxious or sad because we strongly believe that it is terrible for us to fail or be rejected (Ellis, n.d). We also feel hostile or angry towards other people because we believe that people behave unfairly towards us. For therapists in this field of practice, they often use the first few sessions with the client in order to place a finger on the main irrational philosophies which the client passionately adheres to. Afterwards, they attempt to show to the clients how these philosophies lead to emotional problems and inevitably, to clinical symptoms (Ellis, n.d). The goal of the therapist, in this case, is to uproot the client from such set philosophies and to try to replace them with more rational theories and hypotheses about themselves and the world around them; and eventually, to conceptualize how such rational theories can be used to understand the world and to de al with their issues (Ellis, n.d). There

Explain The raise and the fall of keynesianism Essay

Explain The raise and the fall of keynesianism - Essay Example This stems from the belief that unemployment is a result of insufficient demand for services and goods. This view was neoclassical and is defined as a ‘demand-side’ theory whose focus is short-run, in which aggregate demand strongly influences economic output especially during economic fluctuations such as recessions. Keynesianism was so much attached to the government policies in its advocacy (Keynes and Krugman, 2007). Keynes asserted that investment is a dynamic factor that determines the height of economic activity by responding to future expectations as well as interest rate variations. In this sense, he maintained that full employment could be fostered through deliberate action by the government. Such direct government influence on goods and services demand could be in terms of changing public expenditures and tax policies. The rise of Keynesian economics took place during later periods of World War II, the Great Depression, as well as the economic expansion after the war that is from around 1945 to 1973. Keynesianism was portrayed as a rational, beneficial, scientific advance in economic management providing a basis for triumphing over the crisis of capitalism and creation of just capitalist societies (Keynes and Krugman, 2007). The theories proposed by Keynes in the course of and after World War II gained worldwide influence and their adoption was an integral part of establishing new patterns of relations between labour and capital. This forms the basis on which the term Keynesianism is used often in broad reference to patterns of economic and political relations, which are associated with those policies and theories. The broad concept of employment, curiosity, and money proved to be a unique contribution that was acceptable to economic and political establishments propagating the spread of Keynes’s policies as well as theoretical ideas. Keynes was keen to oppose his theories to and

Forensic Science in 21st Century Criminal Justice Paper Essay

Forensic Science in 21st Century Criminal Justice Paper - Essay Example ng proliferation and improvement of modern forensics, law enforcement has been given an exact science as a tool that can produce exact and positive results in the process of crime investigation. This paper will present a discussion of the importance of forensic science in the criminal justice system and how it plays a significant part in enforcing justice. The accuracy of the popular media representation of forensic science and its influence on the popular opinion on justice-related issues will also be tackled. In order to fully understand the importance of forensic science in the criminal justice system, it is best to first define what it is. Elizabeth Morgan (2007) defines forensics as â€Å"a field of science dedicated to the methodical gathering and analysis of evidence to establish facts that can be presented in a legal proceeding.† Since forensic science is a marriage between the scientific methods of data gathering and analysis and the legal system, there are numerous protocols that are involved, especially the chain of command of handling evidence, which makes sure that the evidence is not tampered with at any point in the process of the investigation (Morgan, 2007 and Wolfe, 2001). These protocols serve to safeguard the whole process at its various levels and to ensure that the evidence, as well as the testimony of the forensic scientist, will solidly hold against the accused during the trial due to its pristine and uncontaminated state (Wolfe, 2001). Where before, the poli ce and the prosecution rely on the statement of witnesses and the available evidence that can be seen only by the naked eye, today, forensic scientists are able to completely examine a crime scene with the use of advanced technology and their own expertise. Because forensics plays a crucial role in gathering evidence—in that the tools, equipment, and methods for analysis are based on an exact science that is ruled by strict protocols—and the evidence is key to the whole process of

Forensic Science in 21st Century Criminal Justice Paper Essay

Forensic Science in 21st Century Criminal Justice Paper - Essay Example ng proliferation and improvement of modern forensics, law enforcement has been given an exact science as a tool that can produce exact and positive results in the process of crime investigation. This paper will present a discussion of the importance of forensic science in the criminal justice system and how it plays a significant part in enforcing justice. The accuracy of the popular media representation of forensic science and its influence on the popular opinion on justice-related issues will also be tackled. In order to fully understand the importance of forensic science in the criminal justice system, it is best to first define what it is. Elizabeth Morgan (2007) defines forensics as â€Å"a field of science dedicated to the methodical gathering and analysis of evidence to establish facts that can be presented in a legal proceeding.† Since forensic science is a marriage between the scientific methods of data gathering and analysis and the legal system, there are numerous protocols that are involved, especially the chain of command of handling evidence, which makes sure that the evidence is not tampered with at any point in the process of the investigation (Morgan, 2007 and Wolfe, 2001). These protocols serve to safeguard the whole process at its various levels and to ensure that the evidence, as well as the testimony of the forensic scientist, will solidly hold against the accused during the trial due to its pristine and uncontaminated state (Wolfe, 2001). Where before, the poli ce and the prosecution rely on the statement of witnesses and the available evidence that can be seen only by the naked eye, today, forensic scientists are able to completely examine a crime scene with the use of advanced technology and their own expertise. Because forensics plays a crucial role in gathering evidence—in that the tools, equipment, and methods for analysis are based on an exact science that is ruled by strict protocols—and the evidence is key to the whole process of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Someone who inspired you and what the inspiraton was Essay

Someone who inspired you and what the inspiraton was - Essay Example However, the main reason I admire him so much is because I know from what my parents and him told me how extraordinary his life has been. Unlike my parents, he never finished college and had to do many menial jobs – something he probably regretted later a lot. I came to learn that his youth was a wild one, and he dropped out of college halfway due to drug related problems. At that time, he had sunk so low that he would disappear for months living in shelters for homeless people, and the sense of his life was the next dose. Even his own family had given up hope on him; however, his struggle is something I can only describe as the greatest act of self-redemption I have ever heard of: he turned his life around, and today he teaches literature at a local college and has a PhD degree in the same subject. After he got rid of his drug problems, he worked nightshifts at a factory, and during the day did distance courses. No one thought he could keep this up, but to everyone’s s urprise, he finished college in three years. Having got his diploma, he worked as a teacher at a local high school teaching English to foreign students on a part-time basis to earn some extra money. By spreading himself thin in ways I will never come to comprehend, he managed to acquire a master’s degree finishing his education in a span of only five years. These days my uncle gives motivational talks to youths and homeless people as well as people with drug problems. Also, he finds time to talk once a week in a drug rehabilitation center that was founded by him and a few other sponsors. His taking care of people in need, shows what an altruistic and understanding person he is; my uncle believes, like one of his role models Martin Luther King, that love has a redeeming power and can change the world. His massage to them and everyone else is that everyone deserves a second chance, and one should always take time to help those have lost hope and support. To me,

Mobile Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mobile Technology - Essay Example Smart phones such as the iPhone do not support SIM cards that have not been activated for the specific phone as at the time of its acquisition, and this implies that it is often impossible to share the phone with any other person who has not registered the SIM card with the phone. The buyers of this smart phone are also restricted by some limitations slapped on them by the manufacturers, which unnecessarily bind them on how they operate the phones. For example Apple users are required to subscribe to them for two years and. Moreover, the iPhone lacks applications that can be applied by third parties or what is usually known as third-party applications as it only has web-based applications. This makes it difficult for parties to install the applications on their own. The power requirements of smart phones are also higher as compared to other conventional phones in the data market. The extra power requirement translates to large batteries which are bulky for the phones thus shorter per iods of usage and also added expenses on electricity bill.The sustained use of smart phones has been found to be the major cause of eye strain to individuals especially teenagers. The daily use of mobile technology gadgets such as the smart phones and e-readers causes the muscles in the eyes to tighten up and dry. The cause of this is because smart phones have smaller screens as compared to other devices like laptops and thus have smaller sizes of font leading to squinting in order to get the best view of what is written on the screen of the phone. The other cause of eye strains is failure by the users of the mobile technology to adopt the recommended screen distance when using the mobile devices making the eyes to work harder than it should leading to the strain. In addition, as already stated at the introduction, the major challenge on the use of smart phones is the lack of security of data and privacy in their use. This stems from the fact that smart phones can easily be compromised through attacks from the internet that may come in the form of viruses, worms and Trojans (Newman 29). This infection may also come from compromised personal computers at the time of synchronizing data while other forms can infect similar phones through Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN). Smart phones that have been attacked become sources of malicious attacks to the telecommunication sectors, for example, the smart phones can be used to manipulate smart phone zombies to send marketing or junk messages through short messaging as spams. The compromised phone spams free of any costs thus irritating owners who may not desire to receive such messages (Miller 228). Furthermore, mobile phone technology has been used to steal identities or conduct what is usually known as spoofing. Identity theft through smart phones is easy as once a smart phone has been compromised, the attacker uses the owner’s identity to conduct any activity in the stolen name or identity. An attacker who has stolen the identity of a smart phone owner can use Voice-Over-Internet Protocol from the internet and make use of a smart phone zombie to pretend to be the owner of the calls made. Additionally, smart phones have also been used for remote wiretapping where a smart phone zombie records the conversation of the real owner and report to those that are spying on the actual

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Forensic Science in 21st Century Criminal Justice Paper Essay

Forensic Science in 21st Century Criminal Justice Paper - Essay Example ng proliferation and improvement of modern forensics, law enforcement has been given an exact science as a tool that can produce exact and positive results in the process of crime investigation. This paper will present a discussion of the importance of forensic science in the criminal justice system and how it plays a significant part in enforcing justice. The accuracy of the popular media representation of forensic science and its influence on the popular opinion on justice-related issues will also be tackled. In order to fully understand the importance of forensic science in the criminal justice system, it is best to first define what it is. Elizabeth Morgan (2007) defines forensics as â€Å"a field of science dedicated to the methodical gathering and analysis of evidence to establish facts that can be presented in a legal proceeding.† Since forensic science is a marriage between the scientific methods of data gathering and analysis and the legal system, there are numerous protocols that are involved, especially the chain of command of handling evidence, which makes sure that the evidence is not tampered with at any point in the process of the investigation (Morgan, 2007 and Wolfe, 2001). These protocols serve to safeguard the whole process at its various levels and to ensure that the evidence, as well as the testimony of the forensic scientist, will solidly hold against the accused during the trial due to its pristine and uncontaminated state (Wolfe, 2001). Where before, the poli ce and the prosecution rely on the statement of witnesses and the available evidence that can be seen only by the naked eye, today, forensic scientists are able to completely examine a crime scene with the use of advanced technology and their own expertise. Because forensics plays a crucial role in gathering evidence—in that the tools, equipment, and methods for analysis are based on an exact science that is ruled by strict protocols—and the evidence is key to the whole process of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mobile Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mobile Technology - Essay Example Smart phones such as the iPhone do not support SIM cards that have not been activated for the specific phone as at the time of its acquisition, and this implies that it is often impossible to share the phone with any other person who has not registered the SIM card with the phone. The buyers of this smart phone are also restricted by some limitations slapped on them by the manufacturers, which unnecessarily bind them on how they operate the phones. For example Apple users are required to subscribe to them for two years and. Moreover, the iPhone lacks applications that can be applied by third parties or what is usually known as third-party applications as it only has web-based applications. This makes it difficult for parties to install the applications on their own. The power requirements of smart phones are also higher as compared to other conventional phones in the data market. The extra power requirement translates to large batteries which are bulky for the phones thus shorter per iods of usage and also added expenses on electricity bill.The sustained use of smart phones has been found to be the major cause of eye strain to individuals especially teenagers. The daily use of mobile technology gadgets such as the smart phones and e-readers causes the muscles in the eyes to tighten up and dry. The cause of this is because smart phones have smaller screens as compared to other devices like laptops and thus have smaller sizes of font leading to squinting in order to get the best view of what is written on the screen of the phone. The other cause of eye strains is failure by the users of the mobile technology to adopt the recommended screen distance when using the mobile devices making the eyes to work harder than it should leading to the strain. In addition, as already stated at the introduction, the major challenge on the use of smart phones is the lack of security of data and privacy in their use. This stems from the fact that smart phones can easily be compromised through attacks from the internet that may come in the form of viruses, worms and Trojans (Newman 29). This infection may also come from compromised personal computers at the time of synchronizing data while other forms can infect similar phones through Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN). Smart phones that have been attacked become sources of malicious attacks to the telecommunication sectors, for example, the smart phones can be used to manipulate smart phone zombies to send marketing or junk messages through short messaging as spams. The compromised phone spams free of any costs thus irritating owners who may not desire to receive such messages (Miller 228). Furthermore, mobile phone technology has been used to steal identities or conduct what is usually known as spoofing. Identity theft through smart phones is easy as once a smart phone has been compromised, the attacker uses the owner’s identity to conduct any activity in the stolen name or identity. An attacker who has stolen the identity of a smart phone owner can use Voice-Over-Internet Protocol from the internet and make use of a smart phone zombie to pretend to be the owner of the calls made. Additionally, smart phones have also been used for remote wiretapping where a smart phone zombie records the conversation of the real owner and report to those that are spying on the actual

Student Services and Student Success Essay Example for Free

Student Services and Student Success Essay The literature review tackles on the research problem: â€Å"School Services: Its Role in and Contribution to College Student Success†. It includes researches done on school services and student success. The organization of this review is on the order of answering the research questions. A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT The first research question is: What are the indicators of college student success? The review will look into (a) the definition of student success, and (2) how schools particularly in higher educational institutions measure student success. What does it take to be successful? As what students would always ask as soon as they enter college life. But how do we describe a successful student? According to Zepke, Leach, and Butler (2011) student success is â€Å"variously understood as engagement, persistence, completion, graduation and entry to employment† (p. 227). But not merely limited to achieving high scores in an exam but to put in a deeper sense, success covers a wider aspect in a student’s life. In the article, The Thriving Quotient by Shreiner (2010) common notion equates student success with academic performance and persistence to graduation. She further emphasizes that for those â€Å"who have worked extensively with students know that there is more to a successful college experience than grades and graduation† (p. 3). There is an empirical factor that drives students to succeed. There is the existence of a thriving quotient, where thriving is â€Å"describing the experiences of college students who are fully engaged intellectually, socially, and emotionally† (p. 4). These thriving students will have a deeper sense of fulfillment that extends beyond academics but with other aspects of learning as well. This will allow them to gain more than mere conceptual ideas but experiential learning too. And in order to help institutions measure their effectiveness in providing students with worthwhile college experiences, she developed an instrument that measures thriving. Analyses indicated that thriving is â€Å"indeed a distinct construct comprised of: (1) engaged learning, (2) academic determination, (3) positive perspective, (4) diverse citizenship, and (5) social connectedness† (p. 5). Institutions, therefore, play an important role in ensuring that students perspective in life is positive, â€Å"students with a positive perspective keep trying; even when progress is slow or difficult, they remain confident of their ability to achieve the final outcome and therefore persist in the face of challenges† (p. 7). Moreover, the students should be given an opportunity to â€Å"envision a bright future for themselves, and this image serves to motivate them to persevere when the going gets tough† (p. 8). Therefore, higher institutions should focus on how students thrive, more than just surviving college life since it connotes a deeper understanding of student success. On the other hand, in Fostering Student Success in the Campus Community, Kramer and Assoc. (2007) explain, student success â€Å"takes on a variety of forms and is related to a multitude of characteristics, conditions, indicators, outcomes, and institution-specific factors† (p. 433). It takes on different variations depending on the circumstances of the student. Each student has different needs and they face various types of deterrents for success. This implies that different approaches should be laid down and prepared to address these various needs. Another point, higher educational institution should not only look into graduation as their sole basis for student success but rather look into other indicators as well. Bailey (2006, as cited in Kramer, 2007) enumerates the following indicators: (a) student’s skills for work; (b) employment for the purpose of serving the society; (c) getting hired after completing coursework; (d) being financially literate; (e) engagement in civic works; (f) achieving basic general information; (g) licenses and certifications, and (g) continuing learning. These indicators will facilitate in assessing student success. Another important matter that needs to be factored in when we talk about student success is the role of assessment and evaluation of programs and services. This will help gauge the amount of learning that students receive from their academics and non-academic experience. Likewise, the institution will be able to tailor fit their service offerings based on these assessments. Certainly, there should be a drive to foster student success at all times. STUDENT SERVICES Every institution must provide for the needs of its students. They shall aspire to meet the demands of the changing times as well as the evolving kind of students that we have now. In order to do so, each institution is called to provide services to address these demands. This brings me to my second research question that is: What student services are expected to be provided by higher educational institutions? According to Arbuckle (1953), the need for student services is inevitable. He says, â€Å"Most college students are adolescents, and, even in an environment where they are understood and accepted, for almost every student there will be occasions when he will be in need of assistance† (p.1). This entails that each student is expecting help from any authority as soon as they step into the school. Furthermore, â€Å"every institution of higher learning needs a program of student services that is dedicated to the welfare of the individual student† (p. 2). The institution then has the responsibility to ensure that they provide services that will address the concern of all students. Needless to say, the programs and services of the institution should cater to the holistic development of the student –physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually, as well as intellectually. Those services mentioned in the book are the following: â€Å"(a) admissions, (b) orientation, (c) counseling, (d) occupations, (e) health, (f) student aid, (g) religion, (h) housing and dining, (i) student activities, and (j) teaching† (p. 22). With each of these services addresses specific concerns that each student experience in school. For Kramer and Assoc. (2003), there are those services which are intended for the purpose of providing students with opportunities to enrich themselves through programs intended for personal development and learning. It is also intended to assist the student in their academic deficiencies, as well as to prevent future academic and personal difficulties. Finally, services will facilitate the students stay in the university as comfortably as possible. It is also important to note that an effective program and service engages the student both in the learning and assessment process. This involvement will provide the student an opportunity to reflect on its own performance and allows them to realize ways on how to deal with barriers that hamper their own success. The student should be given the chance to fully optimize the learning that is available both inside and outside of the classroom. In The role of student affairs and services in higher education: a practical manual for developing, implementing and assessing student affairs programmes and services the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO, 2002) clearly states that in an institution the office of student affairs is among one of those who provide critical programs and services to students. They have the task of providing highly effective and efficient services that enhances student learning likewise increase student retention and graduation rates. The student affairs practitioners are supposed to be knowledgeable with regard to dealing with students. They should have an in-depth knowledge of the uniqueness of each student, generally in all aspects as well as their behavior and motivation which are all critical factors that uphold student success. The manual â€Å"focuses on ways to build an effective student affairs and services operation that puts the student at the center of all efforts by supporting students in their academic endeavors and enhancing their personal, social, cultural, and cognitive development† (p. 2). Moreover, the manual presented different programs and services used in other countries as well. In light of the emerging student type, there came a need to establish programs and services which encompasses â€Å"recreation, cultural activities, sports, testing, orientation, career assistance, job placement, financial assistance, and disability services† (p.22). This later on were enhanced and made in collaboration with the academic units in order to produce an integrated student-centered programs and services. Hence, providing programs and services to students is an unending process. It continuously evolves as the students evolve themselves differently year in year out. Therefore, it is a necessity to constantly conduct assessment and evaluation of programs and services to check its applicability to the current set of students. In the Philippines, according to Memorandum Order no. 21, also known as â€Å"Guidelines on Student Affairs and Student Services,† of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED, 2006), states that in any university or school, the student affairs and services â€Å"are concerned with non-academic experiences of students to attain total student development† (p. 2). Just the same, the holistic development of a student should and always be the guiding principle in an institution. And in order to facilitate student development towards student success, an institution should provide the following services to its students: (A) Student welfare programs and services, include (1) information and orientation, (2) scholarships and financial assistance, (3) health, (4) guidance and counseling, (5) food, (6) career and placement, (7) safety and security, (8) student discipline, (9) student housing, (10) services for students with special needs, (11) international students services, (12) admission, (13) research, monitoring, and evaluation of student affairs and services. Then, (B) Student development programs and services, include (1) student organizations and activities, (2) student council/ government, (3) leadership training program, (4) student publication, (5) sports development programs, (6) cultural programs, (7) social and community involvement, and (8) multi-faith services. (pp. 5-10) All these programs and services are multi-faceted that are geared towards creating an institutional environment wherein each students’ experience are worthwhile. STUDENT SERVICES and STUDENT SUCCESS It is apparent that student services should be assessed or evaluated whether it contribute and pose a positive impact on the lives of the students most specifically in the attainment of success. For Morante (2003), assessment of academic and student services is essential. Assessment will enable the institution to identify whether their programs are effective and if it provides a positive impact on students. The function of which is: â€Å"(a) to focus on student learning outcomes (SLO’s),which includes processes, especially in seeking ongoing improvement, (b) to demonstrate and improve student learning and student success, and (c) to facilitate accreditation, accountability and institutional effectiveness † (p. 3). The third research question is: Which of these student services have been shown to positively contribute to student success? In what ways did it contribute? In the article of Chaney, Muraskin, Cahalan, and Goodwin (1998), they found that with the use of â€Å"Student Support Services (SSS)† (p.197), there were significant changes in the progress of disadvantaged student in higher education in the United States (U. S. ). They conducted a longitudinal study of the effect of SSS on retention. Clearly the â€Å"results confirm that retention programs should address both academic and social integration on campus† (p. 197). The SSS is one of the largest programs provided by the U. S. Department of Education to the following groups of people: â€Å"(a) low income, (b) first-generation college students, and (c) physically handicapped† (p. 198). The SSS is comprised of services which are specifically selected to cater to a certain group of people. It include, â€Å" counseling, tutoring, workshops, labs, cultural events, special services to handicapped students, and instructional courses† (p. 198) Some other important points tackled were participation, student integration and the amount of services provided as factors contributing to the positive effect of SSS to retention. Keep in mind that retention is likewise is attributed to student success; therefore, it can be qualified that the SSS program will have a positive impact on student success. The SSS program facilitated students’ capacity to stay in college by providing sufficient amount of help needed to succeed. To cite a specific example showing a significant and positive impact on student’s success is the study conducted by Lanasa, Olson, and Alleman (2007). They examined whether providing a resident hall within the campus would increase student engagement that will eventually lead to student success. Relatively, the on-campus residence hall may have helped students to have more time for outside of the classroom engagements. Nonetheless, the institution will still need to focus on other programs and services for the students that will form part the entire learning process of the student. On the other hand, institutions should also address the needs of all types of students. It is a reality that in every institution there are students who are â€Å"special†, those who are challenged in various ways. Capper, Frattura, and Keyes (2000), connotes that all people even those with special needs, have an equal opportunity in an institution to learn and succeed. They believe that these students â€Å"have a continuum of needs—physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual—that fluctuate and vary over time, depending on circumstances† (p 1). Then in order for these types of students to succeed, the institution should learn the fundamentals in addressing the students need and eventually unlocking all of his or her potential and capacity to learn. They taught students with special abilities by looking deeply into the specific need that needed attention. Programs were tailored-fit depending on a specific need the student has. Continuous monitoring and evaluation is done in order to ensure that students are able to follow and eventually learn. RELEVANCE OF THE REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE After going through all that was mentioned on student services and its role in and contribution to student success, I am convinced that indeed student services play an important, more so, critical role in promoting student success in higher education. Moreover, Drake (2005) in his article mentioned about the collaboration of academic and student affairs to boost student learning and success in the school. Basically, everybody in the institution has a role to play in assuring the success of a student both inside and outside the classroom. Furthermore, the institution should support programs and services that promote student learning and success. REFERENCES: Arbuckle, D. (1953). Student personnel services in higher education. US: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Capper, C. , Frattura, E. , Keyes, M. (2000). Meeting the needs of students of all abilities: How leaders go beyond inclusion. US: Corwin Press, Inc. Chaney, B. , Muraskin, L. , Cahalan, M. , Goodwin, D. (1998). Helping the progress of disadvantaged students in higher education: The federal student support services program. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 20 No. 3, 197-215. CHED. (2006). Guidelines on Student Affairs and Services Program. Retrieved August 10, 2011 from http://www. ched. gov. ph/chedwww/index. php/eng/Information/CHED-Memorandum-Orders/2006-CHED-Memorandum-Orders. Dale, P. and Drake, T. (2005) Connecting Academic and Student Affairs to Enhance Student Learning and Success. New Directions for Community Colleges, No. 131, 51-64. Kramer and Assoc. (2003) Student Academic Services. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Kramer and Assoc. (2007) Fostering student success in the campus community. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Lanasa, S. , Olson, E. Alleman, N. (2007). The impact of on-campus student growth on first-year student engagement and success. Research in Higher Education, Vol. 48, No. 8. doi: 10. 1007/s11162-007-9056-5. Morante, E. (2003). Assessing student services and academic support services. iJournal: Insight Into Student Services, Issue No. 4, 2-8. Schreiner, L. (2010). The â€Å"thriving quotient†: A new vision for student success. About Campus , 2-10. doi: 10. 1002. abc. 20016 UNESCO. (2002). The role of student affairs and services in higher education: a practical manual for developing, implementing and assessing student affairs programmes and services. Retrieved August 10, 2011 from http://unesdoc. unesco. org/images/0012/001281/128118e. pdf. Zepke, Nick, Leach, Linda, Butler, Philippa (2011). Non-institutional influences and student perceptions of success Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 36 Issue 2, 227-242.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Critical Elements Of An Organizational Ethical Culture Business Essay

Critical Elements Of An Organizational Ethical Culture Business Essay The organization has achieve goals easily by the help of ethical culture. They also given support to working condition of the organization and given help to employees for proper care and respect in the organization and helps in leadership function and governed easily. Through the employees cooperation everyone can move in same way and no misunderstanding is arises in work. And easily achieved the goals. Ethics expert: Train workers on reporting misconduct Friday, January 16, 2004 Washington Business Journal By Karen E. Thuermer (an Alexandria- based freelance writer) Stuart Gilman, president of D.C.-based Ethics Resource Center (ERC), has a passion for business ethics. What is the importance of ethics in organization? The main aspects to learn that if any department member is doing misbehave with other person then the etics of culture help to remove that problem and creat good environment in the organization. So it is clear that etics helps to moderate nem style in the business and everyone is focus on work. Organizationà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s ethical foundation Friday, October 24, 2008 Memphis Business Journal by Barbara Richman The ethics is found on the time of many problem is facing by the company and every organization has same culture and no any values are run. The culture helps to moderate the own culture in the org. Like sahara co. Has own culture they shows given respect to juniors and seniors. The ethics is creat her own image in the employees mind or in society. Strategies for Improving Ethical Behaviors in Organizations April, 2006 By Gabriel Omolewu, Associate Professor of Management, Wilberforce University Today, there is a tremendous loss of confidence in corporate conduct and there is an urgent need to work towards restoring it. Although ethics education seem to produce limited evidence of changing behaviors, the commitment of management to monitor annual ethics education for all employees will produce the desired favorable results. There should be clear communication to the employees of what are honorable and expected behaviors in the organization. They must maintain and stand firm on a clear cut policy that ethical methods are the only way of doing business. The Only Solution to the Decline in Business Ethics: Ethical Managers August, 2007 By William P. Cordeiro The ethical value is helps to understand about the moral behaviour in the society and given direction to how behave to employees in the organization. It also helps to knows about the social welfare in the country and helps to knows abut the individual behaviour in the organization. The main study to knows the working condition of employees and treat equal judgement in the organization. If business ethics are in decline, the only solution is increased ethical leadership from the top. Ethical practices linked to profitability Friday, May 30, 2008 San Antonio Business Journal by Paul A. Parks To build the reputation in the market by the help of creat good behaviour and make good relation in the organization. Everyone is focus in work and run in same direction then the organisation can achieved the goals and earn high profit. The research into ethical practices and profitability shows mixed results. While there are too many variables to conclusively prove that ethical behavior leads to increased profits, the majority of studies demonstrate a statistically relevant connection. Trust, ethical behavior at core of good practices Friday, June 30, 2006 Denver Business Journal by Scott Harris Ehics can help to make good behaviour in the organization and given direction to business how to improve the efficiency of employees and organization. They also generate trust in organization must understand what honorable behaviors are before we can figure out which ones arent. If only it were that simple. Its hard when were faced with serious ethical dilemmas in our workplaces. Ethical imperatives must be in business plan Friday, April 28, 2006 San Antonio Business Journal by Glenda Vosburgh The ethical culture also help to make initiative action to make business plan easier and understood same knowledge implemented in make plans and everyone is agree to make that plan and given right decision about how to make right business plan. They also given help how to make right strategy in particular department and remove the problem. Ethical behavior fosters long-term success Friday, February 18, 2005 Jacksonville Business Journal by Paul Ellis The ethics given her own culture in the organization and everyone is move in same direction in decipline way and they always helpful for move in long term period and achived overall objective of the business. ethical direction is not driven from the top of an organization, no amount of legislation will change the way individuals or companies approach their business affairs. Companies take ethical issues off the back burner Friday, June 13, 2003 Houston Business Journal by Thora Qaddumi Ethics, diversity, and team-building should be main ingredients in the strategic planning recipe, rather than ideas taken out of context, left simmering and served as an afterthought in the organization. They can help to make strategy plan to remove the problem of department and move in a direction. This is knowing right from wrong and trying to pursue a good life and aspiring to something better in the organization. Ethical companies help employees avoid the near occasion Friday, June 13, 2003 Houston Business Journal by Randal Breaux Furthermore, a persons ethical standards sometimes slip with changing conditions in his personal life. An employee that develops a gambling problem after he has been hired may not make the same decisions as he did when he was interviewed. No selection process can overcome the simple fact that employees are human, and when humans have powerful incentives both financial and non-financial to cheat, some inevitably will. Organizations that are truly committed to maintaining high ethical standards must do more than tell employees to just say no despite often-powerful temptations; they must take responsibility for managing this temptation. Boardrooms facing ethical issues in executive compensation plans Friday, June 13, 2003 Houston Business Journal by Brent Longnecker and Chris Crawford To make her own image in the market through the help of take decision about given dividend and so many schemes which is launched by the company to improved the goodwill image. And also the ethics given direction to executives how to make decisions by executive and top management of the department. Business ethics more than fashionable behaviour Friday, November 29, 2002 Houston Business Journal by Jim Eskin Every time the business behaviour is changes according to new trends and customer demands they easily changing her decision process through face to face communication. So many software are generated to take fast action and run without any stoppage. Making good ethics decisions means doing good business Friday, October 11, 2002 Houston Business Journal by Scott Clark On the basis of good reputation collecting right and important information collected easily. To analyze the market information which was very needed to take decisions regarding achieving the organizational goals. It helps to make good environment which are helpful from ethics. An ethics audit is essential for every type of business Friday, April 9, 2004 Houston Business Journal by Scott Clark The ethics helps to strong the finance and employees efficiency in the business. And personal ethical approach find her performance. When it comes to business, past skeletons in the closet may never go away. It helps to find the overall performance of business and knows that what factors to improving the goals and achieved objectives.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Patalogy of the Central Nevrvous System: Multiple Sclerosis Essay

Multiple Sclerosis: Pathology of the Central Nervous System Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that commonly found in individuals between the ages of 20 and 40. While men with MS tend to have a faster progressing disease, women are more likely than men to develop it. MS comes in many forms due to the extent of the damage and the amount of lesions, along with how quickly it progresses. All of this collectively forms the MS community today and has resulted in new test methods and forms of treatment developed to both help relieve the symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. This research paper will go through what causes a person to develop MS, what is going on within the body that causes the symptoms people experience, both the objective and subjective findings of MS, as wells as pharmaceutical and natural treatment options. Pathophysiology Multiple Sclerosis is distinguished as a chronic autoimmune disease that results in the demyelination of the central nervous system. The ultimate problem is that myelin within the central nervous system becomes inflamed and scarred which has massive effects on the individual. Huether and McCance (2012) go into great detail about what Multiple Sclerosis is stating that it is a multifactorial disease, meaning that it results when a person is genetically prone to developing MS and then develops a virus in the nervous system. The demyelination and inflammation of the central nervous system is caused by plasma cells, B-lymphocytes, T-cells and proinflammatory cytokines and causes the scarring and the degeneration of axons, which is unfortunately irreversible. Aside from the central inflammation caused by the disease, there is also injury throughout the CNS that is classified as ... the symptoms associated with the disease. Other, natural options, for people include dietary changes, daily exercise, massage, and herbal remedies to name a few. There are still unknowns about MS, however, there have been great advancements in the diagnosing and treatment of multiple sclerosis that are helping individuals who have the disease every day. References Alnar, O. (2009). Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. CNS and Neurological Disorders- Drug Targest, 8 (3), 167-174. Cantorna, M. (2006). Vitamin D and its Role in Immunology: Multiple Sclerosis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 92, (1), 60- 64. Huether, S. E., McCance, K. L. (2012). Understanding Pathophysiology. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Inc. Wilson, S., Giddens, J. Health Assessment for Nursing Practice. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Inc.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Aristotle: His Messages of Virtue and Moderation in Politics :: essays papers

Aristotle: His Messages of Virtue and Moderation in Politics Aristotle (b. 384 - d. 322 BC), was a Greek philosopher, logician, and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is generally regarded as one of the most influential ancient thinkers in a number of philosophical fields, including political theory. Aristotle was born in Stagira in northern Greece, and his father was a court physician to the king of Macedon. As a young man he studied in Plato's Academy in Athens. After Plato's death he left Athens to conduct philosophical and biological research in Asia Minor and Lesbos, and he was then invited by King Philip II of Macedon to tutor his young son, Alexander the Great. Soon after Alexander succeeded his father, consolidated the conquest of the Greek city-states, and launched the invasion of the Persian Empire. It was in this environment that Aristotle's' views and ideas of politics developed. As Alexander's teacher, Aristotle had a close tie to the political powers of Athens. Because of this tie Aristotle wrote Politics as a guide to rulers as to how to govern a country. In Politics Aristotle lays out his ideal form of Government. It contains thought provoking discussions on the role of human nature in politics, the relation of the individual to the state, the place of morality in politics, the theory of political justice, the rule of law, the analysis and evaluation of constitutions, the relevance of ideals to practical politics, the causes and cures of political change and revolution, and the importance of a morally educated citizenry. He stressed that the ideal citizen and ruler must possess certain virtues, such as wisdom, temperance and courage. And the work as a whole echoes Aristotle's dominant theme of moderation. Politics is an excellent historical source because of the close tie Aristotle had to the everyday business of government in Athens. It reflects the idealized values of the people and the influence of Aristotle's teacher Plato. The importance of wisdom and justice also directly parallel the classical Greek ideology. Aristotle believed that nature formed politics and the need for city-states (government) formed out of nature. Aristotle lays the foundations for his political theory in Politics by arguing that the city-state and political rule are "natural." The argument begins with a historical account of the development of the city-state out of simpler communities. Aristotle: His Messages of Virtue and Moderation in Politics :: essays papers Aristotle: His Messages of Virtue and Moderation in Politics Aristotle (b. 384 - d. 322 BC), was a Greek philosopher, logician, and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is generally regarded as one of the most influential ancient thinkers in a number of philosophical fields, including political theory. Aristotle was born in Stagira in northern Greece, and his father was a court physician to the king of Macedon. As a young man he studied in Plato's Academy in Athens. After Plato's death he left Athens to conduct philosophical and biological research in Asia Minor and Lesbos, and he was then invited by King Philip II of Macedon to tutor his young son, Alexander the Great. Soon after Alexander succeeded his father, consolidated the conquest of the Greek city-states, and launched the invasion of the Persian Empire. It was in this environment that Aristotle's' views and ideas of politics developed. As Alexander's teacher, Aristotle had a close tie to the political powers of Athens. Because of this tie Aristotle wrote Politics as a guide to rulers as to how to govern a country. In Politics Aristotle lays out his ideal form of Government. It contains thought provoking discussions on the role of human nature in politics, the relation of the individual to the state, the place of morality in politics, the theory of political justice, the rule of law, the analysis and evaluation of constitutions, the relevance of ideals to practical politics, the causes and cures of political change and revolution, and the importance of a morally educated citizenry. He stressed that the ideal citizen and ruler must possess certain virtues, such as wisdom, temperance and courage. And the work as a whole echoes Aristotle's dominant theme of moderation. Politics is an excellent historical source because of the close tie Aristotle had to the everyday business of government in Athens. It reflects the idealized values of the people and the influence of Aristotle's teacher Plato. The importance of wisdom and justice also directly parallel the classical Greek ideology. Aristotle believed that nature formed politics and the need for city-states (government) formed out of nature. Aristotle lays the foundations for his political theory in Politics by arguing that the city-state and political rule are "natural." The argument begins with a historical account of the development of the city-state out of simpler communities.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ownership of Media Companies – Disney, the BBC and The Bath Chronicle

Disney’s a pubic company and is also a conglomerate it has a net income of around $4.555 billion and has share’s of 1.856 billion. As Disney is publicly owned it means that their disadvantage is that they have to follow many people or a charter like the BBC. They also have an disadvantage with limited liability as they are personal labially. Public companies also means they have another disadvantage as they have higher costs for the government which means they have higher taxes. Mainly they do have to share financial documents with the public which also means that competition does get to see there documents. Finally being a public company you dot have to ask lots of shareholders what they think. On the other hand the advantages could be that it provides more jobs. They have to provide a service for the whole country. Disney ventures Disney has many business venture’s and own many companies including 9 walt Disney picture companies for example Touchstone, 5 Disney music companies, Television channels, cable networks, ESPN, Disney interactive groups, holidays and theme parks. Disney are making so many things and spreading their wings into so many different business. With all these business’s it help’s Disney have a massive vertical integration. Disney is well renowned for it’s classical movies and recent movies from the likes of Snow White and Cinderella to Tangled and Princess and the frog. Disney also want’s to travel into different countries and they do this by making cultural movies and having Disney holidays, theme parks and cruises. Whilst Disney make’s many movies we love they have also been criticized for being sexist, ageism and sometimes racist, for example the villain is always old and the princess always being a type of housewife, for example Snow White cleaning the house. In films like Aladdin a song featured in the movie featured a quite rude ‘I come from a land†¦where they cut off your ears, if they don’t like your face. It’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home.’ When you think of Disney you think fun, light family entertainment not Disney being excused racist, sexism and ageism but in a quote this quote Michael Eisner explains â€Å"We have no obligation to make history. We have no obligation to make art. We have no obligation to make a statement. To make money is our only objective.† Disney use has very good vertical integration due to how many companies they own. Disney can make movies with their production company, advertise the films and products in their magazine, show it on their television channel. For example Beavis and Butt-Head Do America on costed $11 million to make and made a profit on $70 million, but Disney’s The Lion King made a profit of $1 billion due to them making merchandise, TV show, broadway shows. When films are made by conglomerates they generate more profit than a box office filmed would. Ownership BBC ownership BBC The BBC is neither public nor privately owned, it is a trust and is funded by license payers. On the BBC trust website it has in bold letters ‘getting the best out of the BBC for license fee payers’. This means that the BBC has a charter which tells the BBC the do’s and don’ts. The charter tells the BBC that the content on the BBC must be informative, educational, entertaining and the BBC should â€Å"Bring the UK to the world and the world to the UK†. As the BBC is a trust and run’s on the money that the incense payer give’s them, the BBC can just use the money they make on TV shows etc and put it into other shows they make. The advantage of a trust is that the money can just reused however the disadvantage is that the it has a charter that it must run by however I also see this as a positive ting because they know what things they are supposed to do. BBC services The BBC has multiply TV stations, radio stations, news channels and many other sector’s including online services, interactive media, music, miscellaneous etc Personally I like the BBC because 1. It has no adverts and I suppose the BBC don’t need adverts of products because the BBC is paid for by links payers and people that watch TV mostly hate adverts. However they do play adverts for programs on the BBC. This may increase viewers as it allows them to skip the things they don’t like but also the BBC has some of the best shows on the TV. Since the digital switch over I can only imagine that the BBC lost viewing figures. With the BBC becoming a trust in 2007, I think that the this has helped the BBC run a more organised service. It has gave the BBC strategy and overall it has made the BBC more successful. Since the trust came in in 2007 the trust has approved new services including iPlayer, HDTV, BBC Alba and the digital switchover. Ownership Bath Chronicle The Bath chronicle The Bath chronicle is a public company which means that it has the same advantages and disadvantages of Disney. However as Disney is much bigger, this means the rules are probably less important but still are still used. The newspaper which began in 1760 is now owned by Northcliff media. As the chronicle is a newspaper it must write about things in Bath but it can mention some major things outside Bath but most of the stories are based around local area. So I suppose this must be an advantage as they still have some freewill. I suppose that Northcliff media has Horizontal integration as they buy all different newspapers. The advantage of this can be that they can share the costs of production and management, the production can be done in bulk but may be a bit harder then a TV station or other media sector, as local papers may be made locally and have different content and deadlines and profits could be more. On the other hand disadvantages could include individuality being lost, no competitors left like a monopoly when there’s a lack of competition.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Economy, Religion, Government & Education

The essence of politics is power. Power is the capacity of people or groups to control or influence the actions of others, whether those others wish to cooperate or not. There are three mechanisms for controlling the actions of others: reward, punishment, and controlling of information.Authority and power legitimating Two classification of Power that categorized by Sociologist: Legitimate power – Power used in a way that is generally recognized as socially right and necessary. Illegitimate power – Power used without social approval. Example: Gangsters who demand and receive protection money from a shopkeeper y threatening violence are using illegitimate power. Government agencies that demand and receive a sales tax from the same shopkeeper are using legitimate power. Democracy – literally means â€Å"rule of the people. In a true democracy, the powers of government derive from the formal consent of the governed, and citizens have a right to participate in decisi on-making process. In a representative democracy, the most common type, citizens vote for officials to represent them. Only in very small democratic systems can each citizen affect government by direct involvement; this hype of democracy is called participatory or direct democracy. Totalitarianism – is run by a single party, in which there is governmental surveillance and control over all aspects of life.The totalitarian state creates an official ideology, a total world view and a set of rules of behavior. Rival worldviews are suppressed, rival religious groups are persecuted, and the works of many artists and intellectuals are censored. Authoritarianism Authoritarianism – ultimate authority is vested in a single person. The ruler may be either a monarch (a hereditary ruler), or a dictator (someone who as come to power and typically holds that power by means of force). Ideology and political parties do not play a major role in the authoritarian regime.There are importa nt differences between authoritarian and totalitarian regimes: An authoritarian regime is one that does not tolerate political opposition but is prepared to allow institutions and sectors of society to function free of the state provided they do not engage in political activity. A totalitarian regime is one that seeks to impose state control over every institution of society, regardless of whether it engages in within an all-embracing political design. Berger, 1986:83-84) Authority refers to legitimate power that is institutional in nature.Max Weber classified the main sources of social authority into three types: Traditional authority is authority that is conferred by custom and accepted practice. In a hereditary monarchy, the power of the head of the government is legitimated by birth. Charismatic authority is authority that is generated by the personality or exceptional personal appeal of an individual. Legal-rational authority is authority that rests on rationally established ru les. State – Some legitimate power or authority is found in every group or organization.Formal and Non-Formal Education Informal education is learning through interaction with others in the group. Non- formal education consists of sets of definite learning goals and objectives. Non- formal education is not covered by traditional school system. Social organizations, private companies, government offices, livelihood training centers, and other institutions administer non-formal education. Formal education is synonymous with â€Å"school. † It sets definite goals and objectives reached through systematized, formal instruction methods. Schools are run by the state, by private individuals or reparations, or by religious groups.